CPAP humidifier – What’s it for and care

If you suffer from sleep apnea and you own a CPAP machine like me, then maybe you’re wondering why you have this water tray, why it’s there, and how a CPAP humidifier works.

And more vitally how do you care for it?

This is my humidifier after 4 years of usage

What is the humidifier for?

The humidifier in essence is an extension of your nose!

As you walk happily down the street breathing naturally through your nose, the air is naturally warmed up and humidified before it enters your lungs. Think of a cold snowy day trying to breathe through your mouth. It’s soon going to be cold and dry.

A CPAP machine works by blowing a cold continuous stream of cold air into your mouth and nose at a far higher pressure than your nose can handle. Therefore the humidifier is there acting like a big nose!

If you open up your tray you will notice it has a metal lining, to warm the water, which in turn warms the air as it is pushed through to the mask.

What type of water should you use in the humidifier?

This is going to depend on what the normal drinking water is like where you live.

In some places of the world, the drinking water will have discolorization or it will be calcified. If you have a kettle, take a look at the element. If it looks clean then you are good to use normal tap water in your humidifier.

If you are worried about using normal tap water, then feel free to use distilled water.

In the morning just rinse it out and dry it with a paper towel. If you don’t you will notice that spots of rust start to form.

Can you use your CPAP machine without putting water in it?

Yes, you can, though you will probably experience a dry mouth and sore throat in the morning.

You must insert the humidifier box in the machine or it will hiss loudly when you switch it on.

How often should I clean and maintain my CPAP humidifier?

In the morning or whenever you finish using your machine, wash the face mask and the humidifier box in warm water. I suggest you wash them with a drop of detergent.

Afterward, dry both of them with a paper towel so they are thoroughly dry.

Can I use essential oils or additives in my CPAP humidifier water?

I wouldn’t recommend using anything but water. Save your Aromatherapy oils for later, After all, you will be asleep so you won’t have much control if you’ve miscalculated the mix you have made.

Can I travel with my CPAP humidifier?

You can but it’s very bulky. And you risk damaging it.

For that very reason, I’ve purchased a travel CPAP machine too. I know that might sound extravagant, but this is your health, and sleep apnea is a serious medical condition

How do I know if my CPAP humidifier is malfunctioning?

The worst that can happen, is that it can crack or chip. If this happens, air will hiss out from your machine and it will not be fit for use. You will have to buy a new humidifier.

How long does a CPAP humidifier typically last before needing replacement?

If you treat it with care, it should last the lifetime of your machine. I had to replace my machine after 5 years.

Wrap up

The humidifier is an important component of your CPAP machine and should be cleaned daily. Do you have any questions about the humidifier? If so then please ask in the comments section below.

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